Ways in Which to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Many of us go through life not grasping why we continually make the same mistakes. We follow the same patterns and live in the same ruts, unhappy and discontent with our situation but unable to come up with any lasting change. Does this sound like you?

You might have gone to some seminars, read books, even taken some courses but still you end up back at square one in the same dysfunctional patterns that you have always followed. Have you ever asked yourself why it is this way?

We have difficulty making permanent changes in our lives simply because we put info into our conscious mind only. You see, the conscious mind is not what actually controls your behavior and beliefs.

In order to alter the ways in which you behave you first have to reprogram the hard-wired center of your mind which is of course you subconscious.

How Does the Subconscious Function?

Your subconscious is the biggest part of your mind. This is where the messages you receive throughout your life are stored. It contains untold millions of thoughts all clustered in groups which form your beliefs, your mind-set, and your character traits.

The relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds can be likened to an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg that is visible is the conscious mind. The part hidden, the huge lower portion - that is the subconscious mind.

We cannot see this part in action but it has a huge impact on the journey that you take in your life.

All the behaviors that you learn live in the subconscious mind. When you have learnt how to walk you no longer think about the process of lifting one foot, placing it down, and so on, right? No, your subconscious mind controls your steps automatically.

With repetition and practice the subconscious learns in the same way that it learnt to control your footsteps when you learnt how to walk. It controls the footsteps along your life journey as well based on what you have reinforced all through your life.

The great news is that the subconscious mind can actually be reprogrammed simply by inputting and reinforcing new thoughts and actions. There are various techniques that you can make use of to access the subconscious mind and so reprogram the way it operates.

Below are a selection of strategies that you can implement to change your mind and your life:

1. Affirmations - These change the subconscious by making use of positive, personal, present-tense statements that override the embedded negative thinking patterns. When we repeat these affirmations we are able to forge new paths in your subconscious that provide it with novel attitudes.

Your subconscious then causes you to act in new ways that are in harmony with the new attitudes. For instance you could repeat something like: "I choose healthy food each mealtime." This can change your mind-set regarding what you consume and why.

2. Visualization - This involves the creation of mental pictures that show a preferred outcome in order for you to see success for yourself. They stimulate the subconscious which accepts them as real and then directs your behavior accordingly. Many successful athletes have used this method even during game-time.

3. Hypnosis - This is a form of therapy that works with subconscious mind and eases you into a state of utter relaxation. When you attain this level the conscious mind no longer holds sway and the subconscious is much easier to access.

When you are under hypnosis it is easier to reprogram the subconscious mind so that it accepts new thoughts as reality.

4. Subliminal Audios - These can even be used when you are sleeping. While the conscious mind listens to music or to a person talking on one level the subconscious picks up a different layer of info that is actually recorded beneath the audible portion.

When you are awake the conscious mind is distracted with the audible portion of the recording and therefore makes it more difficult to access the subconscious.

Methods and techniques such as those we have looked at are effective in helping to reprogram your subconscious mind and lessen or even remove the burden of negative thoughts that are hidden there. Just think of the life you can live free of the dysfunctional behaviors that you have been subject to for so long.

Learn more: Your brain is far more capable than you think | Subconscious Mind

Transforming a negative outlook into a positive one means that you can achieve much more. Your mind will no longer be held captive by negative programming and you will be able to excel and succeed throughout your life.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind and Program 4-Week Manifestation

The conscious mind can process about 40 bits of information per second; the subconscious mind can process 40 Million bits of information per second! Imagine if you could program the subconscious mind by delivering millions of instructions to it.

Of course, we constantly program our subconscious minds without realizing it. The conversations we have with ourselves and others, the information we expose ourselves to, our experiences, and our daily repetitive thinking -- all program the subconscious mind by default! The result can be seen in patterns in our lives.

The Subconscious Mind Controls Most Bodily Functions.

A small example of the Power of programming the subconscious mind is this: one of the bodily functions controlled by the subconscious is the production and absorption of HGH (human growth hormone). One of the reasons for the effects of aging is a decline in the production and absorption in the body, of HGH. If you could program your subconscious, you could instruct it to increase production and absorption of your body's own natural HGH, thus helping to diminish the effects of aging.

The Subconscious Mind Controls Habits.

We all have a myriad of habits we're unaware of, from physical habits to emotional and mental habits, and it can take immense work, time and will-power (not to mention therapy) to change these habits. Even something as apparently simple as thinking positively, or feeling enthusiastic about life, can prove to be a major challenge. Imagine the possibilities if you could go directly to the source and program your subconscious mind.

Methods of Programming the Subconscious Mind:

There are various ways you can attempt to program your subconscious. Some of these are conscious and manual, others are more direct and automatic.


Let's start with the better known methods. Affirmations are one of the most popular ways in which people try to program their subconscious and change habits. With affirmations it's essential to use the present tense. For example: "I am confident" rather than "I will be confident." Affirmations can take a long time - they need to be repeated many times, and over a long period before the message may get through to the subconscious. They are also dependent on the conscious mind - which will usually argue with the affirmation "No I'm not." The old beliefs and patterns can often block the instructions from reaching the subconscious. The affirmation has to try (by repetitive convincing) to gain permission from the "gatekeeper" - the conscious mind - in order to enter the subconscious.


This is a method of attempting to reach the subconscious but avoid the arguments of the conscious mind. With this method, the "gatekeeper" may be asleep, but the instructions still have to sneak past it without being noticed.

Subliminal Messaging:

A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind. So with this technique, the gatekeeper is out cold, and it's fairly easy for instructions to sneak past without his ever knowing they were there! However, there is a lot of debate and disagreement as to the effectiveness of this method. There are subliminal messaging CDs you can buy, most of which consist of a background sound like rain or music, and have messages, instructions and affirmations embedded, which are inaudible to the conscious mind.

Hidden Mind Power: http://bit.ly/MindPowerManifestation
Ways in Which to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Ways in Which to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Reviewed by cga on 4:41 AM Rating: 5

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