4-Week Manifestation Review under the Prism of Quantum Physics and Zen

Main content:
  • Reviews on 4-Week Manifestation full by video list
  • The scientific basis of the 4-Week Manifestation under the prism of quantum physics and spirituality
Note: The author of The 4-Week Manifestation is Andrew Jakovic - is only the pseudonym.
This product was created by a team of scientists has created the best-selling program is now the 15 Minute Manifestation (Spiritual category)
In other words: 15 Minute Manifestation and 4-Week Manifestation have the same author
You can reference here: https://15minutemanifestation.com

All the reviews of 4-Week Manifestation be presented in full in the video below

And if watching video is difficult because of the busy time, you can see the detailed review here >> 4-Week Manifestation the article reviews

The scientific basis of the 4-Week Manifestation under the prism of quantum physics and spirituality

- Through the prism of quantum physics:

Niels Bohr (1885-1962, Danish physicist, Nobel Prize in physics 1922) says "Isolated material particles are abstractions"

Heisenberg, 1901-1976 (German theory physicist, who invented the uncertainty principle - not able to simultaneously determine the position and velocity of a particle momentum or, for example electrons) stated as follows: "Atoms and elementary particles ... form a world of possibilities or potentialities, rather than one of things or facts ... the atoms are not things"

Double-slit experiment to see when consciousness appears then the waves turn into seeds.
all matter is conscious, but when the waves, they turned into matter as we see.
That proves we are living in a reality called Mind Reality 

4-Week Manifestation Review by Double-slit experiment - quantum physics

According to the school and the perspective of the physicist David Bohm and Holographic principle also proves that we are Mind Reality 

-Through the prism of ZEN

According to Zen: can not stop every idea in spirit. But if taking a single idea can control every idea. From then on the essence and intellectual honesty - omniscient
program of the Zen-based. But not quite the same with Zen.

4-Week Manifestation put people to achieve worldly wisdom.
Zen bring people beyond the intellectual world. Zen - transcending intellectual world

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4-Week Manifestation Review under the Prism of Quantum Physics and Zen 4-Week Manifestation Review under the Prism of Quantum Physics and Zen Reviewed by cga on 9:19 AM Rating: 5

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