Unlocking Your Potential Mind Power - Exploring alpha - beta - gamma - theta - Brain Waves

As technology advances and our lives become more fast paced than ever before, the amount of stress we experience continually increases. Our minds become overloaded and we aren't able to focus on our work. We feel burnt out and uninspired. As a result, we experience a block in our creativity. At times it may seem hopeless, but the good news is that people are finding new ways to cope with this ever increasing sensory overload.

As we go about our daily lives, our senses are bombarded by numerous distractions. Social melodrama, ever increasing noise pollution, and the stress and tedium of the daily commute, just to name a few. 

Deep Meditation Music - Unlocking Your Potential Mind Power

One such solution and the best one that I have found is brainwave entrainment.
This involves listening to a prerecorded program that uses binaural technology to synchronize the brainwave frequencies of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It may sound like science fiction but this technology was actually discovered in 1839 although it wasn't used for this purpose until after 1973.

Brainwave entrainment actually allows the brain to create new neural pathways and tap the overall potential of the mind to a higher degree and in a much shorter time than is possible with conventional meditation practices. This can lead to noticeable reductions in stress levels, increased intelligence, heightened awareness, a feeling of inner peace, and improved states of well-being.

There are a wide variety of programs available for many different needs and goals depending on the results that are desired. They all use different levels of brainwaves to achieve the desired effects.

Gamma waves are in the 40+ Hz range and heighten perception and awareness. Some people report experiences of precognition in the Gamma range.

Beta waves are in the 13 to 40 Hz range and are used for peak concentration, heightened alertness, hand-eye coordination and visual acuity.

Alpha waves are in the 6 to 12 Hz range and promote relaxation, light meditation and creativity.

Theta waves are in the 4 to 7 Hz range and induce dreams and deep meditation. They have also been found to increase creativity, imagination and learning ability.

Delta Waves are in the 0 to 4 Hz range and induce deep dreamless sleep and have also been found to promote physical healing in the body as at certain frequencies they trigger the release of Human Growth Hormone.

As you can see, along with dramatic stress reduction and increased mind power,there are many other positive effects that can be derived from using deep meditation music tools to entrain the brain. I have been using this technique for years now and I am thoroughly pleased and amazed with the new levels of personal growth that I continually experience as a result. So if you are stressed out, burnt out, unfocused, or uninspired, then I highly recommend giving brainwave entrainment technology a try. Always remember that it is never too late to unlock your true potential.

Exploring Gamma Brain Waves - Are Gamma Brainwaves the Ultimate State of Mind?

In this article we shall focus on the best known of these discoveries - the Gamma wave.

What Are Gamma Brain Waves and Why Are They So Special?

Gamma brain waves resonate at a frequency above the Beta wave that characterizes so much of our waking lives. Whereas Beta occupies a range from 13 - 30 Hertz (Hz), Gamma - if observed at all - is generally around 40 Hz. There does not appear to be a clear consensus on exactly where the upper limit of Gamma lies, but most resources place that point at around 70 Hz. Beyond that, we have the truly extraordinary states of HyperGamma (100 Hz) and Lambda (200 Hz), named by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research.

We are used to describing the familiar Beta wave as shallow and weak, and often treat it with a certain degree of condescension, urging people to spend more time meditating in the more powerful states of Alpha and Theta. But Beta is essential for focus and concentration when interacting with the physical world and performing the myriad of complex tasks that confront us each day. Gamma waves, as one would expect, are even shallower than Beta waves, but they take our level of concentration and focus to an even higher level than Beta.

Neurologists have noted that Gamma waves are closely associated with a synthesis of senses, perceptions, and memories into a greater, holistic level of awareness and competence. In the Gamma state, we are able to perceive many senses at once, connect the present with the past, and combine separate ideas into larger constructs. This equates to a tremendously vivid, almost ecstatic state, bringing natural feelings of happiness and compassion in addition to the highest level of intelligence. In short, this could very well be the ultimate state of mind.

Until quite recently, neurologists believed there were only four main categories of electrical activity in the human brain: Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. But in the last few decades, specialists in the field of neuroacoustics, pushing their EEGs to the limits, have found new brain waves at frequencies that were previously thought impossible. The abilities conferred by those brainwaves are even more extraordinary.

Are Gamma Brain Waves Too Good to be True?

Who wouldn't want to enjoy supreme levels of competence, enhanced sensory perception, powerful learning ability and memory? Clearly, those who never come close to attaining these objectives could benefit from more Gamma waves, and it is likely that they will come to be used clinically in much the same way as Beta wave induction has been used to treat individuals with Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD). And there can be no denying that the whole world could benefit from a lot more compassion, akin to that achieved by the "loving kindness" meditations of Tibetan monks.

But, just as too much time in Beta leads to mental and physical stress and imbalance, one would not want to overdo the even more frenetic Gamma wave. To be on the safe side, if you are going to target the Gamma frequency you should make absolutely sure that your mind and body are being thoroughly rejuvenated by the healing periods of dreamless sleep associated with the Delta wave.

General program: alpha - beta - gamma - theta - Brain Waves

Like a symphony, they work together to create harmony; with Delta, the lowest frequency brain wave acting as the drum, and Gamma, the highest frequency brainwave acting as a high pitched flute.

You see, in an orchestra, no one instrument is more important than the other. 
Likewise, no one type of brainwave is more superior than the other.

Unlocking Your Potential Mind Power - Exploring alpha - beta - gamma - theta - Brain Waves Unlocking Your Potential Mind Power - Exploring alpha - beta - gamma - theta - Brain Waves Reviewed by cga on 8:47 PM Rating: 5

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