How Brainwave Entrainment Can Unlock Your Hidden Potential

These waves are emitted at different frequencies depending on your particular "state" of mind at the moment. While sleeping you will find your mind operating at the Delta frequency, a slower, calming frequency, moving up toward to alpha, which are higher in frequency that Delta and associated often with meditation and dream-states, we move up to theta waves which are found in various degrees in different stages from concentration to meditation, beta waves are even higher in frequency, and this activity can be easily associated with us being consciously busy, working and talking with people, and finally into the gamma realm which is hyper brain activity and can enhance learning effectively.

Brainwave Entrainment, Hidden Mind Power, Brainwaves,

Brain Wave Entrainment and Binaural Beats: Understanding and Controlling Your Mind

The simple explanation of brain wave entrainment is that the mind is actively transmitting and receiving waves, literal electro and electo-magnetic signals, specific brain frequencies, and other energies yet to be measured.

I will repeat this in the binaural beats section, but it is important to know that these brain waves and verbal and scientific expression deal in absolutes when spoken about. Such as delta frequencies and Sleep, and each only occurring at one time. Do not get this false impression, our energies exist on a scale, there are frequencies in between the ones we measure as strongest and have the most obvious impact. But mind waves and activity exist together, both being produced at the same time, different states of mind and different attentions often rely on the mix of different functions, including brain waves, to effectively be executed.

The science behind entrainment is one which two objects or waves will synchronize with each other over time. The idea is like the pendulum of a clock next to another pendulum, over time they will move to match the swing of each other. Our brains work the same way, in which if we actively apply a particular wavelength our brains are more likely to move into that wavelength. These are proven and sound scientific principles and any research done will show you the beauty of this ideal.

So these binaural beats and brain wave programs allow for us to manipulate and enhance our brain wave functions to better utilize certain states of mind for the particular activity (or inactivity) at hand. That means aiding our brain to fall asleep, to pay attention, to meditate deeper and to more easily retain information. The uses are endless and there are few people who will not benefit from incorporating them into their lives.

The brain itself acts like a wireless transmitter, information that now scientists can capture, or "read" and directly influence technology and software. You may have even seen it, with peoples scalps covered in electrodes moving a cursor on the screen simply by thought. These are brain transmissions in progress, they are real and can be physically altered like any other natural property. A powerful tool when we can give ourselves such understanding AND control over one of our main process centers.

Binaural Beats

As you read the introduction to brain wave entrainment the idea was to understand the physical nature of our thoughts and brain power. Binaural beats provide a way to use two different tones to produce effects that alter your brain waves and can produce results, or at least encourage results, for specific needs you may have. I will explain some of the uses in a moment.

Binaural beats themselves work by, obviously state in the name itself, two tones. These tones are slightly different in frequency. The frequencies themselves must be kept below 1000 hertz in order for the "beat" effect, produced by these signals, to occur. This occurs because our auditory processing, which this technique is manipulating, "hears" frequencies as different tones, the spikes and dips of a frequency give a specific pattern. If this pattern, or beat is fast enough we perceive it as a pure tone, we are a musical note instead of a pulse. The frequency is simply moving too fast to comprehend a beat.

By keeping the two tones below 1,000 hertz and the difference between them less than 30Hz, a person will perceive the two tones, one received in each ear, as a beat instead of two separate tones.

This beat phenomenon can be used for brain wave entrainment, changing the difference between the two tones changes the frequency to correspond to a brain wave frequency, or desired frequency. So a slower beat to induce more delta brain waves and quicker beats for our theta waves and beta waves.

Your Benefits

Because the brain frequency type is so influential on our state of minds, we can easily recognize that having some control over these brain waves would allow us to function as desired at certain points in time and for certain reasons. To put it plainly, if you are having trouble falling asleep, we know that alpha and theta waves work together for increased concentration and study. So we find a binaural beat program, a program that companies have already made, did all the work and placed easy to understand tags such as "sleep easy" or "study aid" as the label for a particular beat and its benefit. Different beats can be mixed and matched accordingly as your needs and experimentation change.

And what if I tell you that you can ALTER your brainwaves to regain control of your life?
To be in charge of your emotions? To not let your past determine your future?

This is not exactly a groundbreaking innovation.
In fact, what I am going to show you has already been used in many different cultures for hundreds of years, long before scientists were able to measure our brainwave patterns.

Learn more: 

How Brainwave Entrainment Can Unlock Your Hidden Potential How Brainwave Entrainment Can Unlock Your Hidden Potential Reviewed by cga on 9:16 PM Rating: 5

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